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The Reset Diet

Jeremy Bushong

Do you ever find yourself in a "food rut" where you KNOW you need to eat better, but just can't find the motivation or desire to eat healthy foods? Maybe you're constantly craving sugary fatty foods and can't imagine life without them, making it impossible to start a diet.

Maybe you're already eating healthy, but for some reason the weight isn't falling off like it should and you want to mentally and physically start over.

If only there was a giant red reset button you could press to stop all your bad cravings and reset your brain.

Start Over

I have good news friends, there is a way to start over! It's a little trick I personally developed out of necessity. I call it the reset diet because it mentally and physically "resets" your body and mind. It strips away the cravings for bad foods. It cleanses your body from years of bad eating habits. It's about as close as you can get to actually ripping fat off your body.

I'll spare you the long origin story, but it basically comes from me trying to break through my unhealthy relationship with food.

It may also help you bust through mental blocks and weight-loss plateaus. It will shred body fat faster than ever, and may even help you BUILD muscle and improve your metabolism along the way.

However I must warn you: This is NOT an easy diet. This may be one of the hardest things you've ever done in your life. In order of difficulty, I rank this up there with 1) Raising children, 2) Breaking an addiction, and 3) The Reset Diet.

Why is it so tough? Many reasons. We can talk about that after you do it.

Here's how.


The concept is dead simple: Eat a nutrient-dense yet bland protein shake for every meal of the day, except dinner, for 4 weeks.

That's it.

Every day, you'll consume nothing but liquid protein drinks. The only exception is dinner, in which you'll eat a nutrient-dense, veggie-packed salad with a few ounces of lean protein.

The idea here is that after 4 weeks of this nonsense even a tomato will sound like the most delicious food you've ever eaten.

In addition to the aforementioned mental and physical benefits, you'll save time, energy and money on groceries. You won't have to plan your food for the next 4 weeks. You know EXACTLY what you're eating and when. There is nothing left to chance or circumstance. This puts you in completely control of your diet.

Now you're probably thinking a few things like "Eww that sounds gross," or "Is that even healthy?"

You'll likely put up a lot of objections and reasons for why you can't do this. Yes, this is gross. But if you do it right, this may be the healthiest 4 weeks of your entire life.

The Specifics

Let's get into the nitty-gritty.

What You Need

1) A low-carb, high protein isolate protein powder. This should be approximately 20-30 grams of protein PER SCOOP. Whey isolate is a form of protein I recommend due to it's quick digestion and absorption, but a pea/plant protein will work too if you're vegan. Whatever protein you choose should have as little fat or carbohydrates as possible. No filler. I recommend a chocolate or whatever flavor you can tolerate. Feel free to mix up flavors, but you'll need a lot of this. You'll go through approximately 4-8 scoops per day, so check the label and see how many servings you get in a single tub. Remember, this is your main grocery item for the next 4 weeks. I'll personally go through at LEAST one and a half tubs PER WEEK.

2) A psyllium husk powder. This is a small scoop (about 5 grams) of fiber you'll add to each shake. Since whey protein is not the most tummy-friendly substance, this psyllium husk powder will make your digestive system a little happier. Plus, adding a small 5g scoop to every shake will probably be more fiber in your diet than you've ever had before. This will improve your heart health, blood sugar levels, and improve your overall digestive health. Try to go flavorless on this one, you'll want it to blend with all your different shakes.

3) A super green powder. Every morning, you'll do a super green shake for health benefits. This will help offset the lack of nutrition and "real foods" you're not eating. Find a flavor you can tolerate and mix it with a low-calorie orange juice like Trop-50. This way you can at least feel human.

4) A bunch of shaker bottles. You'll need more than you think. At least 4-5 per day, maybe more, maybe less, depending on your ability to wash them as you go. Don't spend much money on these. Also make sure to wash them as quickly as possible. The protein can get a bit nasty if left in the bottle too long.

5) A supplement stack to keep you healthy. I do my usual stack of 4 fish oil pills, 5000 IUs of vitamin D, and 400mg of magnesium.

6) A lean meat source like chicken or fish which you can keep handy or cook-up quickly at night. Throw it on a bed of lettuce / salad mix. Minimal dressing (2 tablespoons of low-calorie ranch maximum). I like to skillet up some chicken breast and throw it on a pre-arranged salad mix from the grocery store. No side items, no fancy dinner prep. This needs to be a simple and boring as possible. Add a sliced tomato if you're dying on the inside.

7) A daily serving of fruit. I personally prefer apples. Specifically honeycrisp apple. It's the best. This will be your daily snack to keep you from going insane.

Here's your daily meal plan. Eat every 2-3 hours:

Meal 1 - 8oz Trop 50 with 1 scoop super greens and 5g psyllium husk powder. Shake in a bottle.

Meal 2 - Take 1-2 scoops of protein powder, 5g psyllium husk with 10-12 oz water. Shake in a bottle.

Meal 3 - 1-2 scoops of protein powder, 5g psyllium husk with 10-12 oz water. Shake in a bottle.

Meal 4 - Apple (or single serving of fruit) with supplements.

Meal 5 - Protein powder, psyllium husk, water. Shake it. Drink it.

Meal 6 - Four to six ounces of lean protein source (chicken or fish) on top of a mixed salad. Eat as much salad mix as you need / want. Go easy on the dressing. This will make you feel somewhat human.

Bonus Meal (if needed) - 1-2 scoops of protein powder with 5g psyllium husk. Add water. Shake. Enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions and Objections

This diet is very simple and requires minimal preparation. Everything is a powder, mixed with water. This means you are never faced with the "What should I eat" question. Nor are you caught unprepared because it's all ready to be mixed.

By going through this 4 week process you'll probably consume more protein than you've ever had before (~100-200g) just from the shakes, plus even more from the evening meal.

In addition, you'll be getting 15-20g of fiber in your daily liquid diet, plus any extra veggies you throw into your salad (green peppers, carrots, etc.)

Don't stray too far from this diet. Don't make any unapproved substitutions. Just do it. It's only 4 weeks.

Here's what people frequently ask me:

Can I ease into this diet?

Yes, do a "practice week" by slowly replacing your meals with shakes. Make sure your protein powder choice agrees with you.

Can I use milk / almond milk / literally anything else instead of water?

Almond milk is okay, but that's about it. The goal is to keep it bland and low-calorie.

Can I mix in fruit / nuts / honey / chocolate / peanut butter / other stuff in the shakes?

No, keep it super simple. The goal is to keep it bland and low-calorie.

Do I have to do it for 4 full weeks?

No, you don't HAVE to do it at all. However anything less than 4 weeks is unlikely to yield the results you want.

Can I go longer than 4 weeks?

Yes, I've done it up to 6 weeks. Elements of this diet have since stuck with me permanently. Such as my tolerance for gross protein shakes and tasteless powders. I wouldn't recommend longer than 6 weeks though.

How can I live my life normally while on this diet?

You can't. That's the point. This is an extreme and highly effective method. If you really want to succeed, you can find a 4 week period of time to do this diet.

My spouse / significant other / family / friends won't let me do this.

Then don't do this diet. Or, take the time and communicate with those people exactly what you're trying to accomplish and why. Maybe they'll support you.

Surely this can't be healthy?

Why not? The "average" person eats garbage like cheeseburgers, fried fatty foods, sodas, chips, and processed carbs and nobody bats an eye. How is 4 weeks of lean protein and fiber going to hurt you? I'd be willing to be that this diet is significantly more healthy than you probably eat right now.

This diet sounds terrible.

It is. But it will give you a new appreciation for whole foods like fruits, lean meats and vegetables. It will also likely break your cravings for junk food. Which was why I originally started it.

What if I fail and eat bad food again?

Start over the next day.

Is it safe to eat that much protein?

Can I make substitutions?

As long as you're following the spirit of the diet, the EXACT powders are up to you. Be careful about substituting the dinners with anything else, that's a slippery slope. Before you know it, you're back to your old (bad) habits.

Is this diet sustainable?

No, it's meant for 4-6 weeks.

How do I transition out of the diet?

Slowly replace one of the shake-meals for a 'regular' lunch, slowly add new foods to your dinners. Don't go overboard and binge on junk food when the diet is over. The transition out of this diet should take about 2 weeks to slowly re-incorporate regular healthy foods into your diet.

Final Thoughts

I'll say it again: This diet sucks. It's absolutely terrible. However, the results are unmatched and it's likely far healthier than what the average person eats. If you do this, make sure you have an accountability buddy, and stock up on protein!

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