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Are You Fit Enough?

What is your definition of fitness?

Do you even have one?

Believe it or not, there is no singular definition of fitness. There is no one test to determine whether you're 'in shape'. Though it feels like there are plenty of ways to determine you're out of shape.

Often we can just look at someone and think to ourselves if they're fit. Sometimes you just know, right? Maybe they have big muscles, or a lean figure, or a solid combination of both and we think to ourselves "I wish I was as in shape as them..." In reality, there are many more factors that determine your fitness level. Just because someone is big doesn't mean they're strong. Just because they run often doesn't mean they're healthy.

In exercise science, we generally split fitness into 10 separate areas, or domains. That is, 10 different areas that can each be trained individually. All of which are then combined to determine your fitness. A truly fit person will have some level of mastery in all of the domains. Some of these areas are obvious, some you may never have considered before. Listed below are the 10 domains of fitness. As you read this list think to yourself: "Is this a strength of mine? Is this my weakness?"

Are you a jack of all trades, or a master of one?

10 Common Domains of Fitness

Cardiovascular Endurance - The ability of your body to absorb, diffuse, transport, and effectively use oxygen and provide energy over a sustained amount of time.

Strength -The muscle's ability to apply force while shortening, lengthening, or remaining static. For instance, pressing a heavy weight overhead or holding a heavy weight in place.

Stamina - Storing, processing, and utilizing energy to sustain a given workload. This allows your body to keep working while getting tired.

Flexibility - The ability of a muscle to lengthen through (and beyond) it's normal range of motion.

Power - A muscle's capacity to provide maximum force in a short amount of time. For example, jumping on a box.

Speed - Minimal transition time in a movement pattern. An example would be a cyclist's ability to quickly rotate his feet on the pedals.

Coordination -The ability to efficiently combine multiple movements into a singular pattern. For instance, running one direction while catching a ball.

Agility - Minimal transition times from one movement pattern to the other. Think of sprinting one direction, and quickly turning and sprinting the other direction.

Balance -The ability to recognize and control the body's center of gravity in relation to its base of support.

Accuracy - Controlling a movement pattern in a given direction at a given intensity or speed. For instance, throwing a ball.

More To It

Looking at these 10 domains, it becomes clear that there is much more than just being strong or lean. In fact, you may have noticed that body weight and fat percentage aren't even on the list. It's possible to be strong, enduring, and cardiovascularly fit without taking body weight into account (Up to a point) - Though eventually excess body fat will interfere with certain factors like the ability to jump (power) or the quickness with which you can change directions (agility).

It's also possible to be masterful in one domain while completely ignoring the others. Have you ever seen someone who is super strong, but couldn't climb a flight of stairs? Maybe they could run for miles but couldn't jump over a brick if their life depended on it. In my experience with training literally hundreds of clients, I've actually come across many who are masters of one domain, but grossly lacking in others.

One prominent example is a long distance runner who could run for days. She had a very high cardiovascular endurance and stamina, ran marathons and ultra marathons. Unfortunately, she didn't have much strength or power. She couldn't jump on a 10 inch box! With a little training that was easily fixed - but it was a great eye opener for both of us. Sometimes we can master one area but completely ignore others.

Now I don't consider being able to jump on a box a particularly useful fitness test, but it's a bit unusual for someone to be so good in one domain and so weak in another. Just because you can master one or two domains doesn't make you fit.

Go Where It's Dangerous

So how do you improve all domains equally? How can you be the best version of yourself? The simple answer is: Know your strengths, understand your weaknesses. Does your training program consist of doing the same exercises for months and years on end? Do you only ever train one exercise or move in one direction?

If your idea of a workout is a barbell bench press for 3 sets of 10, followed by 20 minutes of easy cardio then a walk to your car - you may be lacking in other areas like posture, flexibility, or even back health!

My coach had a saying: "Go where it's dangerous."


Don't stay in your comfort zone. Try new things, learn new weaknesses, improve your overall fitness. Can you deadlift your bodyweight? Run a sub-8 minute mile? Survive a class of yoga?

Find your weakness and improve it.

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