There are thousands of exercises out there in the world of fitness, unfortunately not all of them are created equal. Some are worth doing, some are worth avoiding. There are a few, however, that are so beneficial that they should be a staple in every fitness program regardless of your goals.
The Get-Up, also known as the Turkish Get-Up, is an example of an exercise you should be doing no matter what your personal fitness goals are. The Get-Up is simple in concept, but extremely meticulous in execution. It requires strength, coordination, balance, and timing, making it a very multi-purpose exercise.
The Turkish Get-Up is done by laying on the floor with a weight held up in a locked-out position. From here, the goal is to rise up off the floor and to your feet while balancing and controlling the weight. Easily said.
The details, however, make it a one-of-a-kind exercise requiring precision and practice. Check out the video above for a breakdown of the details in the Get-Up.
I incorporate the Turkish Get-Up in my online personal training programs, but I often break the exercise into smaller segments allowing you to practice each component. I even create mini versions of the exercise to master before putting it all together. An example of this is what I call the "partial get-up". This is something you can try at home.
The partial get-up starts from the floor, without any extra weight, and ends in a side-plank position. It requires upper body strength, core strength, and shoulder stability to hold the position. It's a great way to learn the full Turkish Get-Up without any equipment. Check out the video and follow along!
Fun fact: Not many people know why it's called the "Turkish" Get-Up, but it's most likely from old Turkish wrestling rituals and may have originated in their strength programs and military training.
Time to Master the Get-Up!
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