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Jeremy Bushong
5 min read
Fitness Foundations
If you find yourself always tired, sick, injured, or depressed, you may be lacking in a few of these fitness fundamentals.
Jeremy Bushong
1 min read
Consistency (80% Rule)
Consistency is key. In order to see real, long-term progress, you should aim for the 80% rule. Checkout the video for more info!
Jeremy Bushong
3 min read
The Magnesium Deficiency
You're probably deficient in magnesium, and it's causing problems with your health. Here's what to do about it.
Jeremy Bushong
2 min read
Gazelle Intensity
Attack your goals like a gazelle, not a cheetah.
Jeremy Bushong
5 min read
Body Fat: What Is Normal?
After presenting the results of a body composition test, it's almost reflexive for someone to ask me "What's normal?" - as if they're...
Jeremy Bushong
10 min read
Body Composition Tests
It's nice to know you're making progress in the gym. Especially if you're in it for the long-term, you want to know if things are working?
Jeremy Bushong
4 min read
Fix Your Tight Hamstrings
Tight hamstrings? It may be more than that. Improve them with this series.
Jeremy Bushong
6 min read
Protein Supplements
So you ran your calories, calculated your protein needs, and realized you're not getting enough protein in your daily diet. Sure, getting...
Jeremy Bushong
13 min read
Are Your Hormones Affecting Your Fat Loss Efforts?
Understanding the relationship between hormones and fat loss is important to knowing which strategies are right for your fitness goals.
Jeremy Bushong
4 min read
3 Simple Fat Loss Strategies
Here are three strategies that you can easily implement and start losing weight without having to count your calories or measure your meals.
Jeremy Bushong
7 min read
How Much Protein Do You REALLY Need?
How much protein do you need? I'll give you the solid answer, support my reasoning, and offer rebuttals to the inevitable counter-arguments.
Jeremy Bushong
6 min read
The 4 Things You Need To Lose Fat, Build Muscle, and Transform Your Physique
Here's the secret. All of your fitness goals require four things.
Jeremy Bushong
5 min read
How Quickly Will You Lose Fitness?
Occasionally our fitness goals are sidetracked by injuries, work, school, family, and global pandemics.
Jeremy Bushong
5 min read
Is Starvation Mode A Thing? Or: How You Can Lose Weight By Eating More.
Is starvation mode really a thing? Why do you sometimes lose weight after a big meal? Let's dive in.
Jeremy Bushong
3 min read
6 Fitness Goals That Have Nothing To Do With Appearance
Here are 6 fitness goals that have nothing to do with weight loss or appearance. Consider making these your focus.
Jeremy Bushong
3 min read
Fitness Classes VS Personal Trainer
Sometimes fitness feels like a hedge maze, you don't know if you're going the right way until you hit a dead end.
Jeremy Bushong
5 min read
All About HIIT
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), also called interval training, is the idea of doing a lot of work in a short amount of time.
Jeremy Bushong
4 min read
The Big 5 of Muscle and Strength
All of these moves can be done with body weight, or with equipment like barbells, dumbbells, and machines.
Jeremy Bushong
2 min read
Strength Moves: The Carry
Here are a few of my favorite carry exercises to incorporate into your workout.
Jeremy Bushong
2 min read
Strength Moves: The Hinge
Common examples of hinge exercises are deadlifts, kettlebell swings, and good mornings.
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